It is possible that in spite of your best efforts you may require more than your regular claeaning.
After a thorough periodontal screening and examination, we may choose other therapies aimed at eliminating or reducing the amounts of bacteria and plaque accumulating below the gum line. Periodontal disease (or gum disease) does not happen over night. It occurs when tissue is chronically irritated by bacteria deep below the visible gum-line. This bacteria needs to be removed so that proper healing can occur. The treatment is non-surgical, and is performed in the office by our hygienist.
Michele will work with you to assure that you have access to the care that best suits your needs. She will also help you hone your home-care skills so that you can maintain the optimum level of health that you want.
If your dental work is failing, or you're experiencing inflamed, red, or uncomfortable gums, it may be time to schedule an appointment to see if periodontal treatment is right for you.